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The MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF MAMBURAO, a local government unit duly organized and existing pursuant to Proclamation No. 244, Series of 1951, in accordance with the provisions of Republic Act No. 505, consisting of 15 Barangays, serves primarily for a general purpose, in the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services and effective governance to its constituents and people within its territorial jurisdiction.


We, Officials and Employees of the Municipality of Mamburao, Province of Occidental Mindoro in the spirit of genuine public service:

  1. Commit to empower our constituency by carrying out our sworn duties as civil servants to the best of our capabilities and with utmost professionalism;
  2. Providing people-centered governance by acting promptly and efficiently by working even after office hours in order to attend to our client’s needs;
  3. Be fair and equally in dealing with our clients;
  4. Ensure the Public that all our policies, rules and regulations are in accordance with the existing laws;
  5. Attend to Public complaints immediately with politeness and courtesy.