Business Permit and Licensing Office


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1. Application for Mayor’s Permit & Business License

2. Renewal for Mayor’s Permit & Business License


The business permit and licensing is one of the major tax collections functions of the Local Government Unit . The collection on business permits and licenses, being the primary source of the Municipality’s income lay the benchmark from which the plans and programs established. Streamlining of BPLS in LGUs that includes adopting a unified form, reducing the number of signatories, limiting the number of steps in securing permits and licenses, and reducing processing time through computerization. The Computerized System aims to provide foundation for sustainable and effective system that will bring the effective government service. The primary aim and the positive aspect of impact of computerization in business is the economic aspect of raising the standard of information are process in business world.

The program aims to speed up the release of business permits and licenses in cities and municipalities across the country. This will bring us three things: more businesses, more jobs, more growth.

Through a computer-based BPLS, a businessman is afforded a systematic process for registering and renewing his business permits and licenses with LGUs. It provides him a more efficient alternative to the tedious manual processes that require long waiting periods.

With just one click, a taxpayer can view his dues and payments. This will help LGUs provide fast and efficient information on billing and processing of payment of taxes and fees.

Computerization can also generate automatic computation of mayor’s permit fees, business taxes and other fees including reports such as master list of business establishments, business tax collections, notice of delinquency, reports from financial bureaus and agencies, among others.

Using computerized transactions proves convenient to the public. It offers client accessibility features such as updates on business application status.


To deliver the professional, efficient and honest service to taxpayers.


Be the most efficient, prompt and business-friendly business permit and licensing office.


To deliver fast and efficient services to taxpayers and encourage businessmen to invest in Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro in order to augment revenues and job opportunities to the Mambureños.

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    Licensing Officer III